火速围观!阿里巴巴《中澳跨境电商博览会》又见Homart !  

2017年10月13日-10月14日阿里巴巴将举办南半球最大规模的《中澳跨境电商博览会》, 集合Homart活曼特集团与上百家澳洲企业巨星云集, 邀您一起与阿里巴巴及各大企业一起面谈, 有Spring Leaf 绿芙特级 健康产品, Autili 澳特力 母婴系列, Cheri 高端护肤品…与众多品牌…免费参观, 全场还有需多精美礼品…还在等什麽? 火速报名去 !!!!

LOOK HERE! Homart will see you again on Alibaba E-Commerce Expo!

From 13 –14 October 2017, Alibaba will hold the largest E-Commerce Expo in the southern hemisphere. Hundreds of Australian famous businesses including Homart Group will be present and you are welcome to talk to Alibaba and other top enterprises face to face.

VIP customers visited Homart on a special activity

Recently, Homart invited its VIP customers to visit Homart Group Headquarters. On the day, the Homart function room was beautifully decorated with Homart star products Spring Leaf Inner Beauty Collagen Plus and Cheri HA-Placenta Essence Face Mask. The sweet scent of fresh flowers filled the air.